Monday, February 7, 2011

Geocatching path

This is a map of the area that my group went for our Geocatching lab. the Distance that we walked was 454 yards all around the area of campus that we went. At each of the stations we found an item that was there. At the first station we found a keychain with a piece of paper there that was for other geocatchers to mark that they were there. At the second station we found black eyed peas in the container. At the third container we found a red container. At the Fourth container we found a tube of tabasco sauce. At the fifth container it was coke tabs that were in the container. At the Sixth container it was chalk that we found. At the seventh container it was a batter. And finally at the eighth container we found a magnet with a little car.

      Geocatching is something that can help people in many ways. With the way that it is a hobby for many people, but not only just people in everyday life, but for many scientists who could use geocatching as ways of researching and studying. For example, fisherman could use geocatching to plot where the fish have been previously caught by another fisherman and so on. Not only fisherman, but biologists could study where found a specific plant or animal species. The list could go on and on with how geocatching could be used to help people with their everyday lives. Many can use Geocatching in order for them to have a hobby that they could do on the weekends, and have a good time with it.

       This is the link that leads to the geocaching of america website. Geocaching could help many environmental scientists who are out in the world trying to help the world. Environmental Scientists could use geocaching to help label where in the world that they are doing their research, and to help plot out areas where they would maybe find where the oil is spilling from a valve, or how far inland it would be moving. Scientists could use many geocaching techniques to find out where different aspects of the weather are acting different for the way that of the area surrounding it. This is just some of the few ways that Geocaching can assist in the study of Environmental Science.

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